House on Broad Street, Montgomery
a 17c terraced house
I chose to locate an exhibition in this historic property because its empty, slightly dilapidated and unlit interior seemed sympathetic to materials that I used in this collection of work - oak laths, lime plaster, slate and lead.
Crucially, its four windows provided me with the right conditions for my use of daylight as a material: I orientate surfaces in my pieces so that daylight bounces off matt coloured surfaces that you can’t see, onto surfaces that you can, and that are in shadow.
There is no electric or LED light used in the artwork.
Silver Moon, 21 x 21 x 21cm Mild steel, paint, daylight
Curious Sensory Object 120 x 93 x 60cm
Light Breaks - I - on wood, 50 x 14 x 14cm, slate, unpainted plywood, daylight, acrylic
From Burning Stone, 15 x 11 x 11cm, slate, unpainted slaked lime, daylight, acrylic
Ultramarine, 30 x 18 x 11cm, slate, plaster, daylight, acrylic
Potato Print, 25 x 7 x 7cm, plaster, acrylic, daylight
Lined land, 16 x 11 x 11cm, slate unpainted limed lead, daylight, acrylic
Bright Field, 12 x 12 x 24cm, Hawthorn, plywood, daylight, acrylic
In Earths Dark Theatre, 22 x 26 x 22cm, Slate, Unpainted lead, daylight, acrylic, daylight
Stirrings, 17 x 11 x 11cm, slate, unpainted lead, daylight, acrylic
Sky Switch, 125 x 30 x 20cm, Laths plaster, slaked lime, daylight, acrylic
In the Breeze, 160 x 60 x 60cm, paper collage, acrylic, daylight, steel