Constantine’s Box 
Oerley Hall, Oswestry 2013
8ft x 8ft x 8ft

In a bright open space the box form holds the shadow needed to facilitate the re-reflective glow.

Moon in a Box was installed at the Sir Harrold Hillier Gardens,
Romsey in 2016 and then at Glansevern Hall Gardens at 2018

Winding a Way Onwards

The birch woodland in summer provides enough shadow on the front of this structure for the re-reflected light effect to work.

12 x 3 x 4ft


18mm Plywood, Daylight
8 x 4ft

18mm Plywood, Daylight
8 x 4ftThis piece is a scaled up version of my first (hand-sized) re-reflected light piece called ‘Bloom’ (1996)

It is made of one continuous drawn/ cut line on a sheet of 8ft x 4ft plywood, rotated and hinged at the bottom.

Hope House Gazebo

A collaborative project with staff and children from the Hope House Hospice, to transform a windy unused gazebo, into a more comfortable and inspiring place.



Project // Hoffmann Lime Kiln


Project // Corvedale Churches